The Celery Stalks Service What’s The Deal With Ankle Arthritis? By Dr. Phinit Phisitkul

What’s The Deal With Ankle Arthritis? By Dr. Phinit Phisitkul

Managing Ankle Arthritis: From Conservative Care To Surgical Solutions With Dr. Phinit Phisitkul

So, your ankles are feeling like they’ve aged about 50 years overnight. Welcome to the not-so-fun world of ankle arthritis! Dr. Phinit Phisitkul, who knows a thing or two about cranky joints, describes ankle arthritis as the moment when your ankles decide they’re done with all your shenanigans.

This condition usually pops up after years of wear and tear, or maybe after that one time you thought you could be an amateur stunt double. The result? Stiff, swollen, and achy ankles that have you questioning all your life choices.

How To Keep Those Ankles In Check

Now that your ankles are acting up, what can you do about it? Dr. Phinit Phisitkul is a big fan of starting with the basics—think conservative care. We’re talking about rest, ice, and maybe even a little love from over-the-counter pain meds.

If you’re looking to get fancy, physical therapy and ankle braces can also help keep things under control. And while you might be tempted to ignore it, managing your weight can actually take a load off your achy joints. So, unless you enjoy hobbling around like you’re 100 years old, it’s time to give those ankles some TLC.

When Your Ankles Are Over It: Surgical Solutions

But what if your ankles are stubborn and refuse to cooperate? That’s when Dr. Phinit Phisitkul might suggest kicking things up a notch with surgical solutions. From ankle arthroscopy (basically, cleaning out the gunk) to full-on ankle replacement, there’s a range of options depending on how much your ankles have thrown in the towel.

Surgery might sound scary, but when you’re tired of living with constant pain, it could be just the ticket to getting back on your feet—literally. So, whether you’re icing those ankles or considering a trip to the OR, remember, there’s hope for those grumpy joints yet!

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